New Feature: TallyFi Email Reports

Today we are launching a new feature that many of our customers have been asking for, and we think you’re going to love it – Email Reports!

Boring, right?

Start each week with a quick review of last week’s performance and stay on top trends that affect your bottom line. Track the performance of your promotions and always keep on top of guest counts.

Focus on doing the things that grow your business, making more money is never boring!

Continue reading New Feature: TallyFi Email Reports

4 Powerful Ways to Boost Upselling at Your Bar

Though turning a profit at your business includes many details, increasing your cash flow can really only be done in two ways: bringing more customers in, and/or selling more to the customers you already have.

On the TallyFi blog, we’ve already discussed ideas for attracting more customers to your nightclub and we’ve examined how hospitality training can help you keep happy customers. The next step is to nudge those happy, paying customers to spend more money at your bar. How can you do that? Upselling.

Continue reading 4 Powerful Ways to Boost Upselling at Your Bar