Come and See TallyFi at the Nightclub and Bar Show in Las Vegas

We look forward to seeing all our Tallyfans at the Nightclub and Bar show, March 7-9th at the Las Vegas convention center! ย Stop by booth #1506 in the new product pavilion to see everything TallyFi has to offer.

If you’re planning on attending and would like to schedule a 1:1 meeting, drop me an email at and we’ll book some time to go over your individual requirements.

We’re offering a special conference-exclusive 25% discount for all new customers! Stop by our booth for more details, and to see how TallyFi can help you build a stronger more profitable business.

TallyFi is counting the days until the we see you in Las Vegas!

TallyFi on your Wrist

Bar and nightclub owners have been telling us how much they love being aware of what is happening in their club no matter where they are or what they are doing. We wanted make it easier for you to get important information you need without the need to constantly be consulting your phone.

As you might have already guessed, we are announcing a custom app for the Pebble smartwatch that brings the core of the TallyFi’s real-time experience to your wrist.

If you are interested in having TallyFi on your wrist, visit our smartwatch signup page. Even if you don’t have a Pebble, head over there to let us know which device you want us to work on next.